Fairfax Developers Awards
Developers Recognized at 2017 Land Conservation and Tree Preservation Awards
Fairfax County is proud to honor development projects that offer both economic development and environmental protection. The county recognized winners of the 2017 Land Conservation and Tree Preservation Awards during a public ceremony held in the Fairfax County Government Center board auditorium on January 29, 2018. The winners included land development firms that have demonstrated best practices in preserving the county’s soil and water resources and protecting trees during development projects. Watch the ceremony on demand.
The annual awards program is sponsored by two Fairfax County departments: Land Development Services and Public Works and Environmental Services, in cooperation with the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District and the Fairfax Tree Commission.
The Land Conservation Awards program was established in the early 1970s to provide an incentive for developers to reduce erosion at their construction sites and to publicly recognize erosion and sedimentation plans that are correctly implemented and maintained. Winners were selected by judges from the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.
The Fairfax County Tree Commission celebrated the winners of the Tree Preservation Awards, which recognizes developers who preserve trees and incorporate landscaping into their sites. The top inspectors and plan reviewers from Land Development Services were also recognized.
Best practices from the winning projects were highlighted during the awards presentation.